Email Marketing for Your Small Business


Email marketing is an amazingly cost-effective way to communicate to a wide network of potential customers about your small business. If you are thinking about starting an e-newsletter for your business, here are a couple of basic ideas to help make it run smoothly:

Make it easy to subscribe – and unsubscribe.

Your website should feature a quick and easy form for people to sign up for your company’s e-newsletter. Be sure to include the sign-up form on social media pages like Facebook as well. On the flipside, you need to make sure you include an unsubscribe link on the bottom of every e-mail in accordance with the CAN-SPAM act.

Be intentional by creating a schedule.

Don’t bombard your customers with too many emails or you will see many begin to unsubscribe quickly. If you know you have an annual event or sale, use e-newsletters to build up to the special date instead of scrambling to send something out at the last minute. Creating and adhering to a schedule will help you plan your marketing and keep you from feeling caught off guard or unorganized. Many businesses create a monthly update to give customers an insight into what’s coming up next.


More than half – and some studies say up to 65% – of your audience will be opening your e-newsletter on a device like a smartphone. It’s essential to send your e-newsletter through a template that is mobile-friendly and easy to read. More users reading from a device also means e-newsletters should be concise because users will not continue to scroll to the bottom of your message if it is too long.

Cross-post everywhere.

E-newsletters feature great information that you should disseminate through your other social media platforms. Not only will this help you get your company’s information to more people, it will also encourage others to sign up to be on your distribution list.

I offer e-marketing packages for a variety of small business clients. From content management, to distribution, to scheduling maintenance, I can help you optimize e-marketing for your business. Contact me to learn more.